First Wednesday Writers Forum This Week

WritersForumLogoDestination ARTS! has already become a center for the visual and musical arts. Now, Destination ARTS! invites you to join with other lovers of the written word. Whether you are an accomplished, perhaps published author, or a novice looking for help, this could be an opportunity to share ideas.

Everyone has a story or perhaps many stories but has never written them down. Maybe you have always wanted to write, but lacked the courage to try, or have written some things and would like to know if others would find them interesting. Perhaps you are a parent or grandparent who would like to leave some auto-biographical stories for your children and grandchildren.

Maybe you would like advice on getting your work published. You may be a poet, an essayist, writer of short stories or perhaps just want to write a good speech or get something off your chest with a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. Whatever advice or encouragement you need, this might be the appropriate venue for you. If you already are a published author you might like to teach and be a mentor for aspiring writers.

Destination ARTS! has secured a suitable meeting place in downtown Waynesboro at 20 East Main Street. Our next meeting will be on February 4 at 5 PM. We usually have a theme or subject for our monthly meeting. The theme for this meeting is something related to Valentine’s Day – love, romance, marriage . But at this meeting we will also have a special presentation by Robert North. He is a poet and a tinsmith. Many of his poems reference tinsmithing. Mr. North teaches young would-be tinsmiths. The first thing he has them make is a tin whistle, and he has volunteered to bring materials and teach all in attendance to make their own tin whistle. He says it will only take 10 minutes or possibly less. We hope that you, too, will become a participant in this endeavor.

Please come! If you are unable to come to this meeting but are interested in the group, please contact Gerald Kowallis by e-mail, [email protected] or phone, 717-352-8059 to express your interest. Be sure to leave your contact information. You will then be contacted as to further developments. And do please pass this information on to others who may be interested.

The group meets on the “First Wednesday” of each month at 5:00 PM, in Gallery 20 East, 20 East Main Street, Waynesboro. If you would like more information, contact Jerry Kowalliis at [email protected] .