Waynesboro, PA: Destination ARTS! activities continue in Waynesboro, PA with art exhibits and special events scheduled at Gallery 50, 42 West ARTS Co-Op, Through the Lens & Beyond, and the Ceramic Arts Center of Waynesboro. The galleries feature oil paintings, watercolors, pottery, sculptures, jewelry, photographs, furniture, and more. This weekend, they will be open on Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. (Gallery 50 and 42 West ARTS Co-Op only), Friday from 5 to 8 p.m., Saturday from 12 to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.
Monday, October 17, 2016 – Painting Classes with Marjorie Tressler:
1:00-4:00 p.m. Gallery 50 – 50 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Join Marjorie Tressler for a painting class for artists of all ability levels. $65 for 6 classes which you may attend to suit your own flexibility. For more info, contact Marjorie at 717-762-6791 or at [email protected].
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2016 – Gourd Art Demonstration:
12:30-2:30 p.m. 42 West ARTS Co-Op & Gallery – 42 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Nature enthusiast Denny Bingaman will demonstrate his process of making decorative gourds. Visitors will be shown his techniques of carving, burning, and dyeing the gourds. For more information, visit the co-op website at www.42westarts.com or call 717-762-8394.
Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016 – Oil Painting Demonstration:
2-4 p.m. Gallery 50 – 50 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Curator and director Marjorie Tressler will be conducting an oil painting demonstration featuring a large landscape. For more information, call 717-655-2915.
Tressler teaches art locally and has conducted classes at the Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, where her portraits were featured in a solo show in 1993. She is a former student of the Schuler School of Fine Arts and has studied with several nationally known and prominent local artists over the last 35 years. Tressler has been Gallery 50’s lead curator and director since 2013.
Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 – Musical Demonstration: 
5:30-8 p.m. 42 West ARTS Co-Op & Gallery – 42 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Patric Schlee will entertain visitors with a variety of musical instruments, including the didgeridoo, flute, and drums. Wine and light refreshments will be served. For more information, visit the co-op website at www.42westarts.com or call 717-762-8394.
Friday, Oct. 21, 2016 – Wine Down Friday:
5:30-8 p.m. Gallery 50 – 50 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Across the Pond will perform live Celtic music for Destination ARTS! Wine Down Friday.
Across the Pond is one of the most popular Celtic bands in the Mid Atlantic region. Our Friday night Wine Downs feature live music in Gallery 50/Music Makers, 46-50 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA every Friday, year round. Regularly features some of the best area musicians, many different styles of music. FREE admission.
Wine and light refreshments will be served. For more information, call 717-655-2915.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016 – Suzuki Strings Group Lesson:
10:30 a.m.- 11:30 p.m. Music Makers – 46 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Taught by Renee Shaw and Deb Stotelmyer. Visit www.artsalliancegw.org/musicmakers to reserve your space.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016 – Portrait Painting Demo: 
12-2 p.m. 42 West ARTS Co-Op & Gallery – 42 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Donna Bingaman will be demonstrating painting a portrait in oils. For more information, visit the co-op website at www.42westarts.com or call 717-762-8394.
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016 – Landscape Painting Demo: 
1-3 p.m. 42 West ARTS Co-Op & Gallery – 42 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Laura Shindle will be painting the landscape in oil at the co-op. For more information, visit the co-op website at www.42westarts.com or call 717-762-8394.
Sunday, Octoberber 23, 2016 – Galleries
Ongoing Shows
Gallery 50’s (50 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268) newest window installation is “All About Color,” featuring Chambersburg contemporary artist Marti Yeager. Artwork by local artists Donna Mason, Carol Miller, and Liz Hurley is also on display. Continuing by popular demand, “Fin, Feathers, and Fur” featuring artists Carol Wilks and Beth De’ Loiselle will continue to be featured in the main gallery with new work being added.
42 West ARTS Co-Op (42 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268) presents their new show, “Living Water.” Artwork by co-op members will be on display and for sale that features each artist’s interpretation of the theme. For more information, visit the co-op website at www.42westarts.com or call 717-762-8394.
Through the Lens & Beyond (38 West Main Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268) features fine art photography, illustrations, oil and watercolor paintings, and two-dimensional art. Custom framing, classes, and seminars plus a “Day Rental” photography studio are also offered. Their website is www.throughthelensandbeyond.com.
The Ceramic Arts Center of Waynesboro (13 South Church
Street, Waynesboro, PA 17268) brings together area potters of all skill levels and ages offering classes, workshops, and pottery sales. Guild members have 24 hour access to the wheels and kiln seven days a week. For information about classes and special programs visit their website at www.ceramics-nccs.org.
Musical performances at Destination ARTS! are supported in part by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
For more information, please visit the website at www.artsallianncegw.org or call 717-655-2915 or email [email protected].
Destination ARTS! currently includes:
Gallery 50 (50 West Main Street)
42 West ARTS (42 West Main Street
The Ceramic Arts Center of Waynesboro (13 South Church Street)
Through the Lens & Beyond (38 West Main Street).
The galleries feature oil paintings, watercolors, pottery, sculptures, jewelry, photographs, furniture, and more. Most art is available for sale and there is no charge for admission to the galleries.
This weekend, they will be open
Thursday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m (Gallery 50 and 42 West ARTS Co-op only)
Friday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.